Tribute to Richard LoveJoy
We miss his presence and are comforted in the skillset he has passed on to A New Leaf Company.
Everyone loved his enthusiasm and humor, and that he helped create peace of mind around abundance and finances.
Rest in peace, we love you.

The Richard LoveJoy Story
Richard LoveJoy believed in making a difference and making sense out of numbers and out of life. He built relationships based on trust- with Love & Joy.
Richard passed in March of 2023. He requested that his wife Trisha carry on his legacy with the help of a team member, who trained side by side with Richard for 9 years.
He had over 45 years of wonderful and unique business experience with the total gross revenues of those companies exceeding $750M. Richard was the CEO and CFO of a $250M Company when he was 29 years old. He has turned around more than 25 companies and was a partner, EVP and CFO of a real estate development company that converted more than 9,000 multifamily units into condominiums, owned 34 restaurants and 7 hotels.
Richard's mission was to create a new business structure for small businesses ($50K to $10M in sales) to maximize after-tax income, and to coach and mentor others to create new stories and dreams in their lives. He turned around several restaurants and other businesses from 1993 to 2019. He was really proud to have a client base of 85% female-owned businesses, and many times their husbands joined them in their ventures. He enthusiastically supported the collaboration and growth of these couples with tax savings from $7,500 to over $100,000 annually. He loved working with entrepreneurs, helping them to make the necessary decisions to create the lives they love to live. To help make a New Leaf Company even more successful, Richard began coaching with Chuck Bauer and Jackie Meyer, CPA in a concierge accounting coaching group.
Richard and Trisha met in 1991 at Date with Destiny with Tony Robbins. They are forever grateful for that "destined" connection! The Lovejoy's also trained with Mary Morrissey of Brave Thinking Institute, certified with Jack Canfield in Train the Trainer, and certified in coaching programs with Stephen Covey and the 7 habits. Richard was passionate about sharing the knowledge he gained from these experiences with clients.
Trained by the best...
Richard & Trisha each traveled 3,000 miles to be at Tony Robbins’ event ‘Date with Destiny’ AND that's where they met in 1991!
This program helped to create their mission/ purpose statement and to establish and prioritize their values. Which led to goals that are in alignment with their life together! They continued to train with Tony and apply his teachings daily.
Stephen Covey's book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ was selected as the most important business book of the 20th century. Richard took over a year of training with the Franklin-Covey Company.
Trisha was totally inspired by Lisa Nichols after meeting her at Jack Canfield’s Train the Trainer and fully embraces supporting women entrepreneurs! As well as being a Success Coach, she is trained by Mary Morrisey and certified as a Life Mastery Consultant and Dream Builder Coach through Brave Thinking Institute and helps you work with your why and build a blueprint to live a life you would love.
Jack Canfield’s 1st success principle is to take
100% responsibility for your life.
E + R = O
Event + Response = Outcome
What is the only component you can control?
“Richard LoveJoy was a master practitioner of the success principles that I teach.”
Jack Canfield- Author
'The Success Principles'
Chicken Soup for the Soul'
Richard trained with Jack for over two years & was part of his first 2010 "Train the Trainer" Program.